The Lancet Digital Health in conversation with
Rupa Sarkar, Editor-in-Chief, Diana Samuel, Deputy Editor, Lucy Dunbar, Senior Editor, and Gustavo Monnerat, Senior Editor at The Lancet Digital Health, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy.
A monthly audio companion to this open access journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from using machine learning to predict mortality in prostate cancer and the need for feminist intersectionality in digital health, to how algorithms can predict a patient's race from medical data, and more.
The Lancet Digital Health in conversation with
Identifying and measuring brain lesions in patients with traumatic brain injury
Virginia Newcombe and Miguel Monteiro join Rupa Sarkar to discuss their work on a deep learning algorithm to quantify and distinguish between brain lesion types in head CT images of patients with traumatic brain injury.
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